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Water damage can happen for a number of reasons.  Whether it is pipe bursts, rain water, Sump Pump failure, Toilet Overflow/Backups, Faulty Supply Lines, etc.  It is recommended to remove water within 48 hours, to avoid the growth of mold.  Below are some prevention tips to insure water damage doesn't ruin what matters to you.


Water Backups occur when water around the foundation is higher than the amount the drain/water removal systems can handle.


To Prevent Water Backup:


  • Run your sump pump quarterly/Clean Annually

  • Check your gutters to insure heavy rain doesn't overflow after 20 minutes of steady rain.  If it does, you will want to install additional downspouts.  Also check to make sure leaves and debris are not stuck in the gutters.

  • Raise your washer, dryer, furnace, electrical wiring and personal items above water backup levels in the case the basement overflows with water.

  • Move downspouts so that they are 12 feet away from the property


To Prevent Toilet Overflow Water Damage, Backed-Up Toilets, Faulty Supply lines Water Damage, etc.


  • Wait for the fill valve to refill the bowl after flushing

  • If toilet begins to overflow, turn off the water supply valve

  • Inspect Flushing Mechanism every 6 months

  • Replace flapper/fill valve assembly if you notice the tank continually filling



To Prevent Washing Machine Water Damage, Water Supply Line Burst


  • Turn off supply valves when not in use

  • Only use the washing machine when someone is home

  • Make the washing machine is 3-4 inches away from the wall in order to prevent kinking of the hose.

  • Make sure the valve connection is secure

  • Replace washing machine hose every 5 years (reinforced braided stainless steel hoses are recommended)


To Prevent Drainage Water Damage Issues or Plumbing Supply Problems


  • Look for corrosion and inspect the pipes to insure no leaks are evident

  • If you see rust colored water, backed up toilets or sinks, call a plumber

  • Insulate pipes to avoid pipes from freezing and pipe bursts

  • When the temperatures are low, open cabinet doors to expose plumber to air

  • Disconnect garden hoses when temperature is close to freezing to event water from within to bursts the pipes

  • Leave faucets dripping when there are freezing temperatures


To Prevent Ice Maker Supply Water Damage


  • Ensure there are no kinks in the valves

  • Inspect hose every 6 months

  • Make sure there is at least 3-4 inches behind the fridge to prevent cramping

  • Know where the water shut off valve is

  • Make sure the valve is tightly connected


To Prevent Roof Leaks, Water Damage from Storms, Rainfall and other Natural Disasters


Have a roof inspection done every year


   Repairs should be done if:

  • Shingles are loose or missing

  • Flashing is deteriorated around roof and vents

  • There is pooling water

  • Insulation not present around areas that are prone to freezing and heavy rain


To Prevent Water Damage from Sump Pump Failure


  • Do a cleaning every 6-12 months


    To inspect Sump Pump

  • Remove any debris that can be blocking the water inlet screen

  • Pour 5 gallons into pump to watch the float valve rise

  • Make sure you have a battery backup (18% of water damages are due to power outages)

  • Buy a sump pump with a battery replacement warning

  • Replace batteries every 2-3 years

  • Inspect outside outlet pumps







Water Damage Prevention Tips

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